Sunday arvo around Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Royal Botanic Gardens

It was another clear blue fine wintery Sunday day in Sydney and I cannot resist taking pictures of this beautiful city. I lived here for almost three years and I maintained a love-hate relationship with this place. As a student, I depend on much on public facilities for most services and Sydney’s public transport and infrastructures is absolute basket case.
However each time just when I want to give up on this city, around the corner there will be an quintessential Sydney scene or experience that reminds me what a fantastic city can be particularly if you are affluent and do not depend on woeful current state government.
This weekend I took pictures from the Sydney Opera House, the Royal Botanic Gardens (Sydney Botanic Garden) including views from Mrs Macquarie’s Point.  Hope you like the small selection and be encouraged to view the entire set.

1-Blue-staturated-Sydney-Opera-House 9-Mare-and-Foal-by-Arthur-Jacques-LeDuc-Sydney-Royal-Botanic-Gardens 011-Commerce-sculpture-Royal-Botanic-Gardens-Sydney-Australia